tumultuous commercial area

a crowd coming and going
 Buying and Selling 
working, working, working

PS Brazilian film winner Cannes 1962



  1. It looks like a frame from an Italian, or French movie from the late fifties and early sixties.
    I like movies from those years. Mainly French, Italian and Polish. Unfortunately, I don't know Brazilian movies :-( They are simple, without no unnecessary gadgets. What counts is the story and playing of actors. And maybe that's why I like these movies because I'm getting older?

    An interesting composition with one colorful figure in the foreground.
    The description in the form of a short poem, is a cool idea.


  2. Frank de Sol :-)
    Sixties ... golden age of cinema.
    Brazil also produced good films.
    Europe has awarded prize for some of them.
    And... art has no age.
    Keep the spirit young. To cultive culture and art.
    Very interesting this subject.
    We can discuss more and more
    and I'll be happy.
