More about - Today's world of photography

Today's world of photography, at the age of Internet and digital cameras are available for each, is overwhelming. Very, very much of it.
Not everything we can to see, not everything we evaluate, we can also interpret differently the quality of images, themes and ideas.
For me, it is also important is template for the presentation of their works.
Not every known and respected photo blogger is appreciated by me. Sometimes I don't know for what someone is so famous, what people see in his photos.
But OK!, it's all a matter of taste, and it is good sometimes differ in their views and assessments, and discuss these issues.
I think that together we try to comprehend and highlight the most interesting in our opinion.


  1. I agree "to comprehend and highlight the most interesting in our opinion."

    When I come back to Brasil from Canada I found

    You DO know it, I think.
    the most photos are about Toronto
    the city I really like.
    Another to link here. what do you think about?

    we can grow when when we have good examples to follow, to compare and gain new insights.

  2. Yes, I know, and I look there every day. Excellent site.
    Go ahead, you add this page to the blogroll ;-)
