
The days are still warm, around 20-25 degrees (of course, when the sun is shining), but nights already are cool, about 8-10 degrees.
Heating in homes is already included in the night.

Piotrkowska Street:
Always since, as I remember, on this street is chaos and disorder. Supposedly this is a pedestrian boulevard, but as you can see the attached picture this is not true. It never was true. Since I can remember ( it's long, long time in the history of the cosmos), always on this street was chaos. When I was young, I liked this street and walking in this mess. But for some time, I try to avoid this becoming uglier and neglected street.


  1. I like the layout of this photo.
    It seems a movie scene.
    The width of the picture ... perfect.
    Did you cut part of it?
    Yes, of course. I'll try to do the same.

    I read more about Piotrkowska Street here... in Port. :-)

    4,2 km? so long?!? full of history! many beautiful building.
    This is becoming familiar for me
    like NY is.
    I saw so many American films
    then it's like I've known NY
    but I don't visit NY. Not yet. You?

  2. interesting
    the sidewalk is on the same level of street
    this creates a new conception of the city in my mind

    so clean! European cities are charming. hahahaha Filho do Sol
    I'm going in the opposite direction to your speech.
    I DO understand your fellings
    but sometimes we need to dream => utopia
