Brazilian cinema and religion

This Brazilian film, which you added earlier, is probably not the best example for me ;-)))

1 comment:

  1. O Pagador de Promessa
    The Given Word (1962)
    is a film that I think you would like to watch. Is not only about religious but how the people can remain in complete ignorance
    under the power of the church.

    "Zé is a very poor man from the Brazilian countryside. His most prized possession is his donkey. When his donkey falls terminally ill, Zé makes a promise to Saint Bárbara: If his donkey recovers, he will carry a cross - like Jesus - all the way from his city to Saint Bárbara's church in the state capital. Upon the recover of his donkey, Zé leaves on his journey. He makes it to the church, but the priest refuses to accept the cross once he came to know the context of Zé's promise"
    From IMDb site

    It reminded me the American film
    "The Big Carnival"(1951) Kirk Douglas as a journalist...
    how the ideologies can capture minds and spirits.

    see my next post a link about
