new manifesto ?

You are right the damage such a cool sites like yours and mine.
So we must have somehow to separate our photos from our main sites, from our common blog NORTH-SOUTH. Also to me it seems a little pointless, duplication of photos and comments here and there.
I suggest don't post photos here,which we decide to give to our main photo blogs. Here let all other things will be a common discussion.

What do you think?
new manifesto ?

1 comment:

  1. North South for cultural exchange
    and subsequent discussion
    by text (words), images, links to the others sites, video or anything
    we would like to share
    we would like to share between us, OK?
    For example: IM listening Chet Baker just now. He is one of my FAV. Your is...
    If you agree with my propose
    I think we have a way so nice
    to discover more about our 'human being'.
