New York and Amsterdam

You wrote earlier that:
"I saw a few "Americanish" people.
That is a city for the world, for the foreign, stranger, gringo...
The most bizarre Enghish I hear there. Included mine hahahaha..."

This is what I love!
Cosmopolitan city, yeah, and I love it !!!

An example of such a city in Europe is Amsterdam.
Just in Amsterdam, I felt as you describe...
The city for the world, for the foreign, stranger, gringo...
It was there, that I did not feel alienated and confused.
Just as New York, as Amsterdam is a city for all citizens of the world.

Is not that wonderful ?

1 comment:

  1. Great observation
    NY / AM
    The funny thing is that
    The Dutch people are the responsible to
    the emergence of NY city.
    Dutch immigrant named
    the older neighborhoods, Brooklyng, for example,
    after the names were changed
    to English idiome.
