
......................but from the perspective of an American writer.
Is it possible that an American wrote a good book about Brazil?

Magic, it's first of all what captivates me in this novel and I like this incredible love story.

It's a popular book here (in Portuguese, of course ;-)
The literary critics believe that UpDike came closer to the Brazilian reality. pay attention ... almost close. (we are copying the bad American behavior: today a shooter just killed 12 children in public school in Rio).
Sorry, you said about a inter ethnic love story... well...
I could read and then tell you. I'm going to my library to get it.
By the way a beautiful art on the book cover above.
PS: I changed this text many times. It needs a new publication.;-)))

I heard about this sad event in the news. Really scary.
This novel is also not too sweet.......but good

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