Tarsila do Amaral "Antropofagia" 1929 oil on canvas, 126 x 142 cm

about Tarsila do Amaral - when she returned to Brazil, painted with vibrant colors
contrary to painting lessons she had obtained in Europe.

José and Paulina Nemirovsky Fundation (São Paulo, SP)


  1. LOVE IT !!!
    especially lemon perhaps symbolizing the sun :-)

    and again my modest manifesto:

    It's a pleasure to me get to know Brazilian painters
    I must admit, that little I know about Brazilian painting and painters.
    however are some limitations in education in distant countries
    but for that we have the internet and friends in distant lands :-)
    and of course, freedom of communication (so far)

    but let me, that I will not be confined only to the Polish painters
    this can always be found on the internet yourself
    let each post will be a surprise of a different areas and fields of culture

    Oh, and I promise you one this is the end of my pseudo-artistic images
    I will not be pollute this page of my images
    from them will be other sites

    culture revolves around us !!!
    culture full of surprises !!!

  2. honest discourse. I like that.
    so now I make my own.
    in my life painting as education... nothing.
    only as a consumer. no classes, no college.
    then your 'painting, art posts' are anchor to my search on this subject.
    I have seen wonderful works, such that you have shown. I really need to thank you.

    OK,each one follows the favorite subject. Brazilian painting will be mine.
    agreement, one post one surprise.

    but... I'dont know any Polish painter. coulsd you help me, pls. just the names you think are better :-))
    rebloging =>
    culture revolves around us !!!
    culture full of surprises !!! =>

    fine arts ... Brazilian 'painting and sculpture' has as its main subject the human body. you understand the climate and the territory determine the mood.
